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3 Ways to Be a Better Artist

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I am sharing my three tips to be a better artist here: 

1.  Sacred artist time. 

Your artwork starts as an imaginary seed inside of your mind.  Nurturing your artist’s brain is the start of everything. Regularly connect with your spirituality. Make it a habit to set aside time to be inspired. Journaling, reading, meditating, taking a tour in museums, and walks in nature are some great ways to cultivate and inspire your creativity.

Write your three ways to spend your sacred time today. 

2. Regular studio time. 

Seeds will not become fruition if they just sit inside your brain. 

Hard work is what must follow. Make your creative expression a priority in your life. Look at your life and schedule and carve out a regular time to be creative. 

How much time can you regularly devote to working on your art? 

3. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Unless you want your art locked inside your studio forever, you need to step out of your comfort zone and get your art into the world.  Applying for local and online art shows, putting your art on social media, and sharing with your friends and strangers will start that process. Be open and seek feedback. 

Click this post about 3 steps to plan a successful painting

I love to cheer you on!


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