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Five Ways to beat creative block

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And they are easy to do as well!

Recently I asked artists in my community what’s their biggest obstacle. One of them said it’s finding inspiration to paint. I found this is not an uncommon struggle for many of us, myself included. So I dived into this topic, and here are some of the tips I found: 

1:Seek Sources of Encouragement:   I am generally a very positive person. But even I have doubts about my artistic ability sometimes. This is what I found to be helpful:  surrounding yourself with sources of encouragement. Seeking out mentors who inspire and guide you, podcasts that share stories of artistic growth, or even chatting with people in your life who consistently radiate positivity. 

2: Embrace Failure:   Failure is not the end; it’s a stepping stone to growth. As an artist, you inevitably face setbacks and create pieces that fall short of your expectations. Embrace these moments of perceived failure as opportunities for growth and learning. Remember to use failure as a catalyst for breakthroughs, and watch your artistry soar to new heights.

3: Immerse yourself in other creative outlets. Many artists found inspiration from different cultures, movies, books, and magazines and even took a nature hikes. I personally like to take a break from painting and look through other artists’ social media posts and find inspiration. So find what you like to do in your spare time and just let yourself enjoy the moment. You will feel emotionally recharged and spiritually refreshed afterward. 

4:  Try different creative mediums or styles. If you are an oil painter, maybe try to do some watercolors. If you paint realistically, maybe try to paint abstract art — just let colors and brushstrokes flow freely! You never know; perhaps you will find a new style you love!  

5: Last—knowing everything Will Be Okay:  When you find yourself in a creative funk, it’s important to remind yourself that everything will be okay. Let go of attachment to outcomes and embrace the present moment. Understand that creativity has its ebb and flow, and this phase is just temporary. Trust in your abilities and have faith that inspiration will return to you. Remember, this, too, shall pass, and new creative ideas will emerge.

Hope these five creative tips will help you embrace the journey, celebrate your creativity, and let your artistic light shine brightly!

click here to read my post about finding joy in your art

This Post Has 3 Comments


    Just what I needed to read,
    God bless you, Ying.

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