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The Number One Block In Your Art Journey—In My Opinion

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Artist Mindset 

When I was in the second year of studying art in NYC art schools,  I took on a project inspired by Vermeer’s iconic ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring.’ 

This piece was a labor of love and dedication, taking me four months to complete. 

The good news? It won a national award! 

But here’s the flip side: my quest for perfection with this painting stopped me from trying my hand at other pieces during those four months!

This experience was a huge lesson. Yes, it’s great to devote time to detailed, meticulous work, but it’s also vital to keep the creative juices flowing. 

Balance is key

We grow not just by perfecting one piece, but by experimenting with many.

The beauty of art isn’t in perfection but in expression and growth. 

So, here’s my challenge to you: 

1:Paint a little every day. 

It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece or even complete. 

What matters is the act of creating, the strokes you make, the colors you blend. These daily practices help you break the chains of perfectionism.

2:Remember why you started painting. Was it to express, to capture, to tell a story? Let that passion be louder than the voice of perfectionism.

Share your daily art, no matter how imperfect,’ in our Facebook group here:

Let’s celebrate our progress and support each other.

As someone who’s been through the highs and lows of aiming for perfection, I’m here to tell you that with each stroke, each day you paint, you’re growing, you’re creating, and that’s what truly matters.

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