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A lesson from me to help you find your artist style

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what do you really want?

Hello, wonderful artists of our community!

Today, let’s dive into a topic close to many of our hearts: finding your unique art style. 

It’s a journey, a personal evolution, and I’d love to share a bit of my own path to help illuminate yours.

Like many of you, I’ve experienced the pull of art trends. 

Living in a quaint beach town, colorful abstracts are all the rage. They sell well, they’re celebrated, and at one point, I found myself swept up in the current. Yes, I even tried my hand at abstract painting. 

But, here’s what I learned: following the trend didn’t fulfill me as much as I hoped.

My heart and my true strength lay in contemporary realism – blending realistic elements with an imaginative flair. 

This realization didn’t come overnight. It took exploration, trial, and error. 

The key lesson here? 

Know your strengths, understand what genuinely moves you, and pursue the kind of art that brings you joy.

Your art style is your voice. 

It should resonate with who you are and what you love. It’s okay to experiment, to try new things, but always circle back to what feels right to you. 

If your heart isn’t in it, it’ll show in your work.

So, how do you find your style? Start by exploring. 

Be curious. Paint different subjects, use various techniques, and play with colors. 

But while you do, pay attention to what makes you feel excited, what challenges you positively, and what feels natural to you.

And remember, it’s not just about what sells or what’s popular. It’s about what stirs your soul. 

When you create from a place of passion, your authentic style will emerge, and that is where the true magic happens.

Share your journey with us in our Facebook group here:

We all have unique stories and styles, and together, we can inspire and learn from each other.

As always, I’m here to support and cheer you on. Let’s keep creating, exploring, and finding joy in every stroke of our brushes.


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