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AI vs. artists: Should artists fear of AI art?

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Last week, my children’s school had a parent’s round table meeting. We had a guest speaker who talked about Chat GPT. All I can say, many people at the meeting were left in complete shock and with mixed feelings. 

Let’s face it; AI is transforming the whole world at lightning speed.

While many have embraced AI, others still have reservations. AI-generated art is one area where this transformation is already having a significant impact.

When I first saw what AI art can be, I was in deep shock. A quick search on the internet will reveal that AI art platforms can create amazing, out-of-this-world images in seconds. It can create any style, from old masters to modern artists, and can produce realistic photos that are indistinguishable from the real thing. It’s no surprise, then, that a big clothing company has already announced that they will start using AI models in their ad campaign next year.

Bill Gates famously said: AI will transform the world just like the internet did. 

So, should we artists be scared of AI taking our jobs like the others?

Will people stop buying artwork and just let computers to create their own art?

In my humble opinion, unlikely. 

As with any disruptive technology, there are bound to be pros and cons. While some fear that AI will take away jobs and displace human creativity, others believe that AI-generated art will be complementary to human creativity, rather than a substitute for it. 

In fact, some artists are already embracing AI as a tool to enhance their creativity and expand their artistic vision. By working with AI, artists can create art that would have been impossible to create with traditional techniques alone. They can also use AI to generate new ideas and inspiration, or to explore different styles and techniques.

In my opinion, it’s unlikely that AI will take over the art world. Instead, it’s more likely that people will continue to appreciate and seek out authentic art made by human hands.

There may even be opportunities for artists to use AI to their advantage. AI can be a valuable tool for artists looking to streamline their creative process or experiment with new techniques. 

If you like to know more about this topic, Reply to this post with the word “AI”, and I’ll do a follow-up piece.

The rise of AI is an unstoppable force that will transform the world in ways we can’t yet imagine. 

We can either embrace it and explore all the exciting possibilities it presents, or we can fear it and stay away from it. 

However, regardless of how we choose to approach this technological revolution, I still believe: the human spirit and our God-given unique creativity will never be replaced by AI. While AI-generated art may be impressive, it will never be a substitute for the real thing.

So I encourage you, dear friend, to take a deep breath, do your research, and have faith in our God-given human spirit.

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Cheering you on!


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