Welcome back to my art show lesson series 4!
A couple of days before the show, I remembered that I needed to buy price tags. So I searched on Amazon and got those big sales stickers with yellow frames and a money sign on the side.
At the show, I found out that I made a big mistake.
Number 1, these stickers don’t stick to the pro panel walls so they kept falling off.
Number 2, The yellow frame with the money sign on it looks like I am selling cheap toys at the dollar store.

Also, after asking around my friendly neighbors about how they price their art, I found that my pricing is too low. Which is a common mistake for most artists who have just started doing art shows.
Just like what I said in the first email: Art is not a necessity. People don’t want to buy cheap art. They buy art because it gives them an elevated feeling of beauty and prestige.
Overall, your price sign should be small, and printed, with the painting size and price. The title of the painting is optional.
My friend Lynda, a wonderful portrait and marine artist, also, the sweet lady who told me to take down my discount signs showed me the little machine she used to make her signs:
https://amzn.to/3TzY0k0. I just bought this machine and it makes any label like a breeze. I can’t wait to use it for my future exhibitions! (if you choose to buy this machine through this affiliate link, it will add no cost to you and support this blog keep going.)

(Portable Sign Maker: https://amzn.to/3TzY0k0.)
After this experience, you can rest for sure, I will be more prepared next time.
Let me know how you like this series so far. Until next time!