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Chase Your Calling

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As a women painter and Christian artist, finding the right art marketing strategy is important.

When I decided to turn my art hobby into a serious online business, I started diving into research. I wanted to see what other people were doing in the digital world and what I needed to do to catch up.

And I got overwhelmed very quickly.

I know I needed an artist’s website and to do some social media posting, but strange words like funnels, landing pages, and email marketing threw me into the rabbit hole.

I knew I needed help.

So I posted a job description on a freelance website for a social media consultant. I needed someone who knew how to package and market my art. I don’t know much about marketing, but I do know in this day and time, an artist can’t afford just to stay home and paint. It’s an artist’s job to get her work out in the digital marketplace. 

Several agencies replied. And I was very excited. But after I gave them the details about my expectations, I heard crickets.

Only one agency kept in touch with me, but they asked for an excessive amount of investment I was not planning on spending.

During all this, a thought crept into my mind: You are not marketable. Those people are professionals, and when they don’t want your business, they must think you suck.

This thought was like a poisoned apple lingering in my mind. But I didn’t give up.

I have consulted God many times, and He made it clear that He wants me to use my gifts fully, including getting my works out there for His glory.

Then I accidentally heard this saying from a marketing agent: “we are not magicians. We can help a client with his mission. But the client is the magic, not us.”

Yes!! That’s why I didn’t hear back from those marketing agencies. Because of my niche: Christian artist and Christian writer is probably too unique for them to market. They don’t know how to market my art business. I need to prove that there is a market for Christian artists to strive for. And my art and my writing are special. I am the magic. Not them.

So I started right back to work. Today, I have built a successful art business with my own hands. 

Friends, if you have been overlooked, felt defeated, or don’t have the confidence to pursue your dreams, don’t give up without a fight.

Ask God’s permission and advice first. Because sometimes, what you want is not in His plan.

But if you are sure about His will, then, by all means, go ahead and give all you got.

May God bless you!


To know more about my art and spiritual journey, go to this page:

To know more about Christian artists and Christian art, check out this website:

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