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13 Reasons Why You Should Be a Proverb 31 Woman 

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When a character, business, and talent meet, you get a glimpse of a perfect female model in the eyes of the Lord.

A Proverb 31 woman is a force of nature. She lives her life to the full. She brings great blessings to her family and others. I wish I could achieve just one or two of her character traits.

Now let’s see who a Proverb 31 woman is:

She is a hard worker — “She gets up while it’s still night…she sets about her work vigorously, her arms are strong for her tasks.” (Verse 15) 

She is resourceful—“She is like the merchant ship, brings her food from afar.” (Verse 14)

She is a wise businesswoman—“She considers a field and buys it. Out of her earnings, she plants a vineyard.” (Verse 16)

She has the foresight to prepare for the future—“When it snows, she has no fear for her household. For all of them are clothed in scarlet.” (Verse 21)

She multiples her financial blessings–” She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night.” (Verse 18)

She takes great care of her affairs, and she wants nothing to do with laziness and wastefulness—“ She watches over the affairs of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.” (Verse 27)

She also knows how to enjoy her blessings—“ she is clothed in fine linen and purple.” (Those materials are considered exquisite in her time. Verse 22)

She lives a joyful life —“ She can laugh at the days to come.” (Can you imagine seeing her radiant face and contagious laughter? Verse 25)

She is compassionate and generous—“She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.” (Verse 20)

She gives valuable advice and is a great mentor—“ She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.” (Verse 26)

She brings honor to her family—“Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.” (Verse 23)

She has Godly character—“ She is clothed with strength and dignity.” (Verse 25)

Her children admire her—“Her children arise and call her blessed.” (Verse 27)

Why can she do all those things? We can find the answer at the end of the chapter—“Charms is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

Her life echoes the famous verse at the beginning of Proverbs: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” (Proverb 1:7)

A Proverb 31 woman lives obediently to the way of the Lord. She faithfully follows His instruction and multiplies her blessings; thus, she can spread her influence wide and afar for generations to see.

Yes, not every one of us is made to be a businesswoman, have children or even get married. But every one of us can live life the way God designed it to be for us. And by being a faithful servant, spread His light wide and far.

Let’s be a proverb 31 woman, friend.

To understand more about the purpose God designed for you, check out my post

To read the Bible chapter of Proverb 31, click here

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Pam

    Dear Ying, your blog posts are very encouraging & positive. Thank you. I’ve enjoyed reading them. They inspire me to get painting again.

    1. adminadrian

      Thank you so much, Pam! I am so glad my writing encouraged you! May God bless you abundantly on your art journey. I’d love to see what you created. You can join my private FB group, “paint your soul with Ying,” to share.

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