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Do you hate the business side of art?

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Are you overwhelmed? Do you say these phrases often, either loudly or unconsciously, to yourself: I am so busy, I have to do my art, and I have to squeeze time to manage my art business!  I am a one-person (or one-woman) show, and numbers and math are not my friends! Or, I really don’t like social media at all, but I have to do it!” 

Stop right now.  If you tell yourself that you don’t like social media, trust me, it will show up on your posts and reels.  

Instead, why not try the easier route—change your mindset?

There are plenty of artists making fantastic art, but few of them can successfully make it into a career. A successful art business is at least 50% percent of business!

So why not think of it this way—creating art and business management are all part of making your amazing life! 

Business is just a different kind of creating process. Social media is just a different kind of creating process. You can do them begrudgingly, or you can learn to enjoy them!  

The tough part, to me, is numbers and taxes, so I sourced them out to someone good at it. I can then make space to do what I love.  

But social media is the thing you really need to learn to love. Because it’s an extension of who you are. No one else will have the same vision, emotion, and expression that exactly aligns with yours. Trust me, I have tried, but I learned the hard way. 

Nowadays, I learned to enjoy taking pictures and videos of my art and my creative process. You will need a little learning curve as to what to post, how to post, and how to edit your post. But it’s really fun!!

Follow my Instagram to see what I am doing, and send me a message if you have any questions :

The bottom line is, learn to like all aspects of your art business, embrace all of it, and eventually, you will be proud of it, just like seeing your baby grow into a little human who will love you and give back to you—you will feel all those hard days and long nights are all worth it!

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Cheering you on!


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Jenny

    Thanks for this encouragement. It was helpful.

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