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Inspiring Stories from My Community

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Wow, I had the privilege of getting to know some truly incredible artists in my community. These artists are overcomers, people who have faced all kinds of obstacles in their lives but have still managed to follow their passion for art.

Pam quit her full-time job to pursue art and went to school at the age of 50! Twenty years later she is building her artist website by herself! 

It takes a lot of courage to make such a big life change, and I was truly inspired by Pam’s dedication to her art.

Another inspiring artist is Carl. Despite his disabilities and lack of social support, he never gave up on his passion for art. Instead, he persevered and worked hard to develop his skills. His artwork is truly remarkable, and it’s a testament to his dedication and determination.

One of the things that struck me most about these artists is the idea that art can be a force for healing and self-expression. I heard someone said in an interview that if you are a true artist, but don’t do your art, you might end up channeling that creative energy into chaos in your life. I couldn’t agree more – there’s something truly powerful about expressing yourself through art.

The artists in my community are a perfect example of this. Despite all the challenges they’ve faced, they’ve found a way to channel their creative energy into something positive and inspiring. They’ve created artwork that not only showcases their unique perspectives but also serves as a reminder that no matter what obstacles we face in life, we can still pursue our passions and achieve our dreams.

I feel truly blessed to know these artists and to be a part of this community. Their stories inspire me to keep pushing forward in my own creative pursuits, no matter what challenges come my way. And I hope that their stories can inspire you too, dear reader, to pursue your passions and find a way to channel your creative energy into something positive and inspiring.

Do you have inspiring stories to share? share with us in my private Facebook group:

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Liz Au

    Aloha, Ying! I just discovered your blog and starting flipping the titles up to page 2!
    My, you have a treasure trove of great things to learn and try out! You really have a wonderful gift from God and ministry with your art and writing to inspire lots of people! Praise the Lord for someone as gracious as you are! I had no art experiences at all and began doing drawing and painting with my grandchildren when I was 72 ( now I’m 83). I also had FB, Instagram, and blog sites at one time, but barely keep up anymore. My simple Christian blogsite, ‘God’s Enduring Love’ I started 11 years ago reached nearly 100,000 views. At first I did a lot of writing, but now I mostly reblog some of my friends’ posts. I also had but no longer post anymore. Some of my bio and artwork can be found there.
    I walk, do water exercise/swim, take care of my husband who has health issues, and we both do a Sunday Devotion at a senior living community every Sunday. I used to be active playing guitar and/or ukulele for women’s group and nursing homes and play keyboard at home. I am happy to meet you on FB and look forward to your sharing your gifts and inspiration with me! God Bless you! ~Liz

    1. admin

      Hi Liz, Thank you so much for your comment, and great to meet another christian writer and artist! you are an inspiration!! I will check out your website. So glad to meet you in my community. God bless you and have a great day!! Ying

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