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My Mother’s Inspiring Journey

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My mom has always been a very even-keeled person, rarely expressing strong opinions. 

For example, when we take her out to dinner, nine times out of ten, when I ask her how the food was, she simply says, “It’s fine.” It drives me nuts because I just want her to say she likes it! LOL

Anyway, she recently sent me a message with something I never expected: “This is pretty good, right. I felt I accomplished something!”

That sentence caught my attention because it’s so unlike her usual self.

Ok here is the background story: For most of her life, my mom was dedicated to taking care of our family. Her days were filled with responsibilities and tasks, leaving little time for personal interests. 

But recently, while back in China visiting our family, she decided to do something entirely for herself. She signed up for an online watercolor course, 

Learning something new can be intimidating, especially later in life. But my mom approached her watercolor lessons with an open heart and a willingness to explore. 

She started with simple paintings in each lesson, learning about color mixing, brush techniques, and the basics of watercolor painting. You can see her progress from these paintings she did.  

On her fifth lesson, she painted a beautiful piece featuring a bunch of grapes.

 I was amazed when I saw it. The colors were vibrant, the shadows expertly done, and the grapes looked so realistic you could almost taste them. It was a professional-looking painting, and seeing her pride and joy was priceless.

My mom’s story is a testament to the fact that you can become an artist at any age. It’s not about having a lifelong training or starting young; it’s about the willingness to try something new and the joy of creating. Her experience reminds us that our lives are filled with opportunities to explore new paths, no matter how old we are.

If you’ve ever thought about picking up a paintbrush, learning an instrument, or trying something new, there’s no better time than now. 

Age is just a number, and our ability to create and enjoy the arts is timeless. Here are a few reasons why it’s never too late to become an artist:

1. **Personal Fulfillment**: Creating art brings a deep sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. It’s a way to express yourself, tell your story, and explore new ideas.

2. **Lifelong Learning**: Engaging in art allows you to keep learning and growing. It’s a wonderful way to challenge yourself and keep your mind active.

3. **Community and Connection**: Joining art classes or groups can introduce you to like-minded individuals and create a sense of community. Sharing your work and learning from others can be incredibly rewarding.

4. **Mental and Emotional Well-being**: Art has therapeutic benefits. It can help reduce stress, improve mood, and provide a sense of purpose.

To anyone reading this who feels unsure about starting something new, I encourage you to take that first step. Whether it’s painting, dancing, writing, or any other form of creative expression, the world of art is open to everyone. 

My mom’s journey into watercolor painting at 77 is a beautiful reminder that it’s never too late to discover a new passion and bring something beautiful into the world.

Let me end this post with this quote from one of my favorite author— James Clear:

“When you’re younger, it’s easy to underestimate how fleeting the days can be. Each choice matters. Each day matters. 

When you’re older, it’s easy to underestimate how much opportunity you still have. Don’t talk yourself out of it. It’s never too late to start.”

So, pick up that brush, pen, or whatever medium speaks to you, and start creating. 

You might just surprise yourself with what you can achieve. After all, art is not about perfection; it’s about expression, exploration, and enjoying the process. 

Remember, every artist was once a beginner, and there’s no better time to start than now.

Let me know if my mom’s story inspired you! 

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