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Passion and Purpose

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I always had a passion for art and writing ever since I was a little girl. This passion has been buried under life’s grind for many years, and I finally have the chance to blossom.

I’ve seen similar situations happen in many people’s lives: so my conclusion is: Your childhood passion will catch up with you sooner or later.

But the purpose is different.

The purpose is what you do for other people; What’s the meaning of your life on this earth?

A life lived only for itself is sad. A life without purpose is hopeless.

I have been thinking and asking God what’s my purpose for the gifts he gave me.

Because I know He will bless me if I will align with His will. I don’t want to waste my passions and plans that are not within His parameters for me.

The purpose is the force that pushes your engine to your destination; the shining light that will brighten your darkest days.

Passion will fade when the grind of life gets heavy. But the purpose is the unquenchable fire that will burn off all the doubts and defeats along the way and press you on until you make it into a reality.

My purpose is to spread positivity, encouragement, and the good news led by the Spirit in my circle of influence. What is your purpose? I hope God will give you directions and abundant blessings in your daily walk!


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