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You are Creative

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I have heard so many people telling me: “Great, you are an artist, but I can’t even draw a stick figure.” implying they are not creative.

Please hear me out,

Everyone is a born creator. Maybe you are a mother who put two blueberries on your child’s pancake and made a smiley face on it this morning; perhaps you are an accountant who figured out a new way to solve a problem on the company’s annual report; maybe you are a teacher who is good at making boring math problem interesting for your kids—congratulations! You are creative!

God is the original creator. He gives us different gifts to create small wonders in life.  

He has imbued every human being with a unique set of talents and abilities, including creativity. Creativity is not just reserved for artists or musicians but is a fundamental aspect of the human experience that can be expressed in countless ways.

Whether through painting, writing, cooking, designing, problem-solving, or inventing, creativity allows us to express our individuality and positively impact the world around us. It enables us to connect with others, find meaning in our lives, and tap into the vast potential of our imaginations.

God has created each of us to be creative, and we are responsible for discovering and nurturing that creativity within ourselves. We must embrace the challenges and opportunities that come with expressing our unique creative gifts and use them to positively impact the world.

In this way, we honor God’s creative nature and contribute to the beauty and diversity of the world he has created. Let us each embrace our creative potential and use it to make a difference in our lives and the lives of those around us.

I want to share this prayer with you to spark your creativity:

Heavenly Father, we pray for all those who use their artistic talents to bring healing and hope to the world. Whether through music, writing, painting, or any other form of creative expression, we ask that you bless their work and use it to uplift and comfort those struggling. May they be strengthened and encouraged by your presence, and may their work be a shining light in the darkness.

In Jesus’s name


Last, do you know what is the biggest creative block? Click this post to find out

Have a blessed day!


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