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The Key to long-lasting success

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Do you know the key to long-lasting success is…fall in love with boredom?

Constantly cleaning up a messy studio is no fun.

Day after day, washing brushes is boring.

Painstakingly stacking brushstroke after brushstroke can quickly test your patience.

But, put all these together, and eventually, you will get the following:

A beautiful canvas.

The feeling of accomplishment. 

A step closer to your success.  

We often hear the phrase, “move the needle.”  

Success, indeed, is moving needles—one needle at a time.

For artists, it’s one brushstroke, one sketch, and one canvas at a time. 

It’s easy to find an excuse not to go to your studio and not pick up your brushes. If you are looking for excuses, there will always be plenty. 

So, I say, the key to success is falling in love with boredom. 

People only see others’ shining success, but we rarely see how many steps they took to get there. 

Yes, it’s exciting to have great ideas, beautiful visions, and extraordinary imaginations. Those are all important. But the excitement will fade, then boredom will settle in. What separates a dreamer and an achiever is the doing, the persistence, and the resilience. 

and endurance produces character, and character produces hope,”

(Romans 5:4)

In my interview with world-leading artist mentor Matt Tommey, I talked in detail about this topic.  I was surprised at the number of messages and emails from people worldwide telling me how this podcast inspired them. So if you need a little bit of uplifting today, Click here to listen.

Cheering you on! 


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