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using the power of words to manifest miracles

Using the power of words to manifest miracles

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Want to feel inspired today? Let me share a miracle that happened to my friend when she used the spoken words to heal a terrible disease.

In October last year, my dear friend Misty texted me an urgent prayer request. She was always joyful, calm, and assured of herself. So I knew something was seriously wrong. 

She developed a disease called Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) from a dental procedure. It caused excruciating pain on her face. She could barely eat or function in daily life. People call it the “suicide disease,” and it is supposedly incurable.

I was in shock. A thought came upon me: She and her husband are very devoted believers. What happened to her seemed so unfair.  Why God?

I just got a chance to meet her again last week. And she is totally healed!

This is what she shared with me:

She was so desperate to find a cure she searched all over the internet. She found a method that is so simple most people will think it’s unbelievable. It has to do with the power of the spoken word.

Every day she gets up, she will pray and say these words aloud to herself:

“I do not fear the pain. I have no fear. I am ok.”

In just a couple of days, most of her pain went away!

If this is not a miracle, then I don’t know what it is.

The Bible tells us repeatedly hundreds of times—“do not fear.”  But how many people will go through a day without some fearful thoughts passing through their minds? 

If I see bad news on the internet, I immediately think – what if that happened to my family. 

Even when I want to post something on social media, sometimes I worry about what other people will think. And worry is a form of fear. 

But what if I’m genuinely obedient to God’s word— Do not fear?

I would feel so much freedom and much less stress!

Science has also proved the power of words long ago. It’s well known now that stress will cause reduced immunity, aches and pains, and even severe diseases. 

And positive thoughts, mindsets, and good moral standards can improve the genes and functions of immune cells, affect hormone levels, and impact our health holistically. 

But let’s go a step further. Even though the Bible reminds us to “fear not” hundreds of times, it tells us to “fear God” many more times. Which really means reverence for God alone, and to not fear anyone or anything else.

Often this fear of God is equated with virtue or wisdom. Proverb 1:7 says: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. 

When we fear and have a deep reverence for the power and glory of God, we can trust that His power and glory will protect us from all harm in eternity. As a result, we should have no fear for anything else in our lives.

My last thought is: God has a good plan for his children. I thought it was unfair that my friend had this disease. But now she is a living, walking, powerful testimony of faith!

And we could all use a little encouragement:

Today, I will speak life aloud to myself, my children, my husband, and everyone around me.

Here are some verses for you to meditate on:

Isaiah 41:10.

Psalm 23:4

Simply comment with a “yes” to confirm that you will embrace more freedom and less fear tomorrow!



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