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using social media to validate your art.

Using Social Media to Test and Validate Your Art

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Leveraging Social Media for Feedback and Growth.

As an artist, I have always sought new ways to channel my creativity and bring my visions to life on canvas.

Recently, I embarked on a new series that combined my favorite color, blue, with my beloved subject— human figures. The concept was to capture the ethereal beauty of female figures flowing amidst blue water and waves. It intends to be a series of celebrations of the beauty, gentleness, freedom, and boundless energy that women embody.

After completing the first painting of the series, I shared it on various social media platforms, including an active Facebook women artists’ group. The response I received was overwhelming, surpassing the likes and comments I received for any of my previous artworks. I also received several valuable feedback.

In the past, artists often relied on exhibitions and galleries to gauge the public’s response to their work. However, these traditional avenues can be limiting in terms of reach and feedback. Social media, on the other hand, offers an instantaneous and expansive platform to test the market.

By posting my painting online, I gained immediate insights into my audience’s preferences and interests. The increased number of likes and comments clearly indicated that my chosen subject matter and color palette resonated with viewers. This validation gave me the confidence to pursue my new art series.

One of the concerns artists often face when seeking validation is the fear of compromising their artistic integrity. However, social media proved invaluable in allowing me to balance market validation and staying true to my artistic passion.

Unlike traditional market research methods, social media allows artists to retain complete control over their creative decisions. I could continue exploring and developing my series of flowing female figures amidst blue water and waves, knowing that the positive response on social media indicated a genuine appreciation for my artistic expression. 

Social media became a platform where I could freely experiment with my ideas, gathering real-time feedback and adjusting my approach accordingly.

The Lesson Learned:

This experience taught me that utilizing social media to validate my painting ideas is a practical strategy. It enabled me to connect with a broader audience, receive valuable feedback, and build a dedicated community of art enthusiasts. The instant engagement provided encouragement and affirmation, fueling my artistic journey and motivating me to create more.

As artists, it is crucial for us to find ways to share our creations and receive feedback that helps us grow. Social media platforms offer an accessible and effective means to validate our painting ideas without compromising our artistic integrity. 

By leveraging these platforms, we can expand our reach, test the market, and remain true to our creative vision. So, fellow artists, embrace the power of social media and let your ideas soar while staying connected to your artistic roots.

If you want to learn more about using social media, email or message me, I will be glad to help!

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