Some art keeps you looking; some art keeps you thinking.
What kind of artist are you?
I recently had an epiphany while looking at other artists’ works.
I saw this trend in artists painting beautiful women with flowers on their heads; apparently, they sell pretty well. Then you know, a little bit of FOMO (fear of missing out) settled in. But I quickly caught myself. And I thought of this:
Some art keeps you looking—the vibrant colors, sophisticated compositions, and designs keep your eyes busy and entertained. And that’s wonderful!
Then some art keeps you thinking.
I’ll never forget seeing Rembrandt’s self-portrait at The Frick museum in New York City. A simple portrait with a dark background depicts the artist’s older self. The whole pairing is simple to the degree of austerity. But somehow, this master’s gaze from hundreds of years ago still mesmerizes me. And I felt I couldn’t move my feet away from that painting. Those are the types of paintings that keep you thinking, feeling, and imagining.

There are no right and wrong styles of painting. And you can move from one to another in the different stages of your art journey. Right now, I am striving to make paintings that contain more spiritual elements and keep people thinking.
So, what kind of artist are you? Drop a comment here..
On another note, I just published a new 3 minute art tutorial: Watercolor peony greeting card. Click this link and subscribe to my Youtube channel, or share with a friend. I would apprecate it!
Cheering you on!
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