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Whose Voice are You Listening to?

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Whose voice are you listening to? God’s voice or else?

I put the painting on the table and anxiously waited for my friend Nicole’s arrival at our little gathering. It’s a painting of Jesus holding her daughter, who has a big bright smile on her face, and she is waving back to us.

Nicole just lost her young daughter, who was born with a genetic heart defect. She gave me the great honor to paint a vision her friend had: Jesus holding her daughter, waving back like she is saying: I am ok, and you should be allowed to be ok too.

 I was nervous about whether my painting captured this precious vision.

Then Nicole came in the door. She has this peaceful continence. She smiled, and her eyes glimmered when she saw the picture: She loved it. And at that moment, I felt I had just witnessed a true Christian testimony about faith, love, and victory.

She shared with us afterward: she was writing a book about spiritual warfare—her life of fighting for her daughter’s survival.

She said after her daughter had passed, one of the times she tried to sit down and write, a voice in her mind told her: Who will read a book written by someone who lost the battle? — well, we all know whose voice that was, right?

But immediately, she heard God’s voice saying: Job well done, my child.

She believes God is pleased with her for doing everything she could to care for her daughter in the short three years she lived on this side of heaven. And her daughter has brought a great community to rally around her. That’s her daughter’s legacy and gift to the world.

She did not lose. She has won the spiritual warfare. She is victorious.

A story like this is a great reminder that there are two voices constantly circling in our ears: God’s voice and the enemy’s voice.

If my friend listened to the enemy’s voice, she could easily drown in sorrow and bitterness. She would not be able to honor her daughter’s legacy and give her testimony of the love of our Father.

But she chooses to listen to the bigger voice. It’s not easy, of course, because the enemy is sneaky and crafty.

The battle is daily, and the choice could be within minutes. But it’s in those battles, those warfares, those choices, we learn and repeat, learn and repeat, until we become stronger and always battle-ready.

The voice of God will never condemn, causing guilt or shame. It’s always affirming, encouraging, and pointing you back to Him.

May you keep the voice of God close to your heart always, friend!

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Christian artist paint Jesus holding a child

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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Corrin

    Wow! What a beautiful story, sending prayers and Gods comfort during your friends book process.

    1. adminadrian

      Thank you so much, friend! I have learned so much from my friend’s beautiful walk with God.

  2. Shannon

    So true about the enemy. What a beautiful painting of the peace of being in the arms of Jesus!

    1. adminadrian

      Thank you so much, Shannon. I am so honored to be part of preserving little Savanna’s legacy. Hope you are doing well!

  3. Jenny

    This is such a beautiful painting of the joy and peace of Jesus and of Heaven. Thank you for sharing this story, it’s powerful and so redemptive.

    1. adminadrian

      Thank you so mcuh Jenny!! I really appreciate your encouraging words!

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