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Finding Joy in Your Art

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Dear fellow artists and creatives, let’s talk about the beauty of the creative process and how to find joy in your art.

We all know that feeling of being in a zone where time seems to stand still, and our hands move almost on their own. 

It’s a magical place where we are fully immersed in our work, and everything else fades away.

But sometimes, we can get caught worrying about the end result. Will it be good enough? Will people like it? Will it sell? These thoughts can take us out of the moment and steal the joy from the process of creating. 

But the true beauty is in the act of creation, in how our minds and hearts come together to form something new and unique. We must remember that the journey of creation is just as important as the destination.

NYT bestseller author Arthur Brooks’s new book inspires people to find true joy and purpose in the second half of life. 

It talks about the four common misconception people think will bring them happiness: money, power, pleasure, and fame. Actually, the more people have those, the more miserable they become in the second half of life. Because they eventually find out those don’t bring them more joy and fulfillment. 

The four real things that bring happiness are faith, family, friends, and work. Working with your hands and mind is a God-given gift and is a requirement for life’s purpose and fulfillment.

You can find the link to this book here:

Ecclesiastes 3:22, we are told, “So I saw that there is nothing better than that a man should rejoice in his work, for that is his lot.” 

Let’s remember that our art is a reflection of our souls. Our work as artists is not just a job. It’s a part of who we are. And when we find joy in making art, our works become an extension of ourselves. So let’s allow ourselves the freedom to experiment, to make mistakes, to explore our ideas and inspirations without worrying about the outcome

We must embrace the process, the ups and downs, the mistakes, and the happy accidents. They are all part of the journey, making our art unique and beautiful.

You can watch my creative process in this short IG video here:

Cheering you on!


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