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Five Tips for Setting Your Creative Goals for 2023

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The old saying “Fail to plan, plan to fail” is a pearl of time-tested wisdom.

I was always more of an impulsive decision-maker than a meticulous goal-setter.

But the older I got, the more I realized how helpful and essential it is to set my goals far in advance. It keeps me focused and organized.

I have five tips to share with you:

1: Don’t be afraid to dream.

Self-confidence comes from doing things you are afraid to do. You may be afraid to fail or afraid of what others will think. The quicker you get yourself out of your comfort zone, the more possibilities you will see in front of your eyes.

2: Establish “space” for your goals.

You will need a physical space, like your workspace, but also a mental space for your goals. Once you set your plan, draw a clear boundary around it. Maybe you have to pass on some party invites or your favorite TV show… prepare upfront what you have to give up, and you will have an easier time sticking to your goals.

3: Make an achievable plan.

Dreaming big is good, but achievability is more critical. Feel free to adjust your goals. There is no shame in modifying your goals as you implement them.

4: Attach every goal with a deadline.

Self-impose accountability. Without a deadline, it’s easier to find excuses for not reaching your goals.

After you try your best, you may still miss the deadline.  Don’t worry, think of how much you’ve grown through the process. The goal is to keep you a self-starter.

5: Find an accountability partner.

Two are better than one. Find a family member or friend to share your goals. And check in with each other once every month or so.

check out this post for more self-motivation tips.

I hope 2023 will bring you many blessings and happiness!!


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